Better Relationships

between people and horses

Our interest is in having fun with horses and being able to understand the way they think as prey animals and to treat them with the respect they deserve.

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Where Horses, Humans and Happiness

Come Together

Our interest is in having fun with horses and being able to understand the way they think as prey animals and to treat them with the respect they deserve.

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Our interest is in having fun with horses and being able to understand the way they think as prey animals and to treat them with the respect they deserve.

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Home / About

All About Horses -  Natural Horse Management

All About Horses & Waitoru Farm

We are a family run organic farm set amongst the Maramarua Forest only 45 minutes from Manukau, Auckland.

We have created a horse haven on 40 acres called Waitoru Farm, with track and equicentral sytems for optimal horse health.

We offer a natural environment for horses to graze in a herd and interact with each other as naturally as possible.

We have over 30 years combined experience in farming, horse management and assisting people with horse management, including groundwork, riding, feeding, hoof and body care.

Our naturalhorsemanship lessons are available at our farm or your place with your horse. We advocate for bitless riding of which we have helped transition hundreds of riders and horses from bitted to bitless and the results are life changing.

We also offer barefoot hoof trimming for our grazing customers, and have over 19 years experience. We can fully assist in transitioning from shod to barefoot, or sore barefoot hooves to functional happy barefoot hooves.


  • Natural Horsemanagement Lessons:
  • Get ready to have fun with interactive sessions where you will work through a number of practical exercises that relate to every day riding and handling. 
  • Waitoru Farm: A 40 acre organic Natural Horsemanagement Centre, set up to emulate the horses natural environment in a herd setting.
  • Hoof Trimming: Since 2001 -Professional barefoot hoof trimming. Quality, friendly, prompt, service with competitive rates.Holistic barefoot trimming that enhances the the health, balance and movement of your horse.

NATURAL HORSEMANSHIP IS: "The ability to open your mind to a better world for horse and human. To see things how the horses sees things. To communicate in a way you both understand. To gain and retain trust, communication and care" (Kirsten Rose- 2000)


I welcome you on this exciting adventure and where everyday will be as fulfilling as the last. Let us have fun through these amazing animals and develop our skills and language so we are able to communicate and understand how to work with horses so they enjoy it as much as we do.

Kirsten Rose

Hoof Trimming
All About Horses & Waitoru Farm

Holistic and non-invasive hoof trimming for your horse. Professional hoof trimmer for horses, minis, ponies and donkeys since 2001 and, cows, sheep and goats since 1996. If it has got hooves, I can trim them.

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Natural Horsemanship
All About Horses & Waitoru Farm

The Natural Horsemanagement Riding programme and the "3 Stages to Asking" is about learning how the horse thinks and behaves and how to work with them in a harmonious two way relationship. It promotes safe and effective horsemanship that is easy to understand and apply. We specialise in transitioning from bitted to bitless riding.

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Waitoru Farm
All About Horses & Waitoru Farm

We are a family run organic farm set only 45 minutes from Manukau, Auckland.
We have created a horse haven on 40 acres called Waitoru Farm, with track and equicentral systems for optimal horse health.

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